Internationella samarbeten
International Lawyers Network
AEA, har kontor i hela de flesta länder runt om i världen med stor prestige och som institut, ett mycket viktigt organ för juridiska verksamheter, som bedriver gränsöverskridande juridisk verksamhet. AEA började sin verksamhet inom EU-länderna men har numera expanderat till länder utanför EU-samarbetet såsom Amerika, Asien och Afrika. AEA kan presentera världens största nätverk för advokater och jurister. AEA:s medlemmar samlas en gång per år och diskuterar hur man säkerställer professionalism, kompetens och effektivitet i den dagliga förvaltningen och arbetet med juridiska byråers verksamhet. Vi har många duktiga affärsjurister.
The AEA presents the largest net of the world´s Attorneys, as there is no other net of offices that cover so many countries and locations. In many of these countries, all the main cities are covered; this is the reason why the Association has several seats in some of the countries. The offices have been chosen with rigour according to selection standards that valued professionalism, competence, and efficiency in every one of the chosen professionals. All the members of the Association gather once a year in a Congress that takes place on a rotary basis in every one of the 27 countries that conform the EU. The lawyer members of the Association value as main rule regarding what their job concerns, deontology and professional ethics. The Association has been very careful in this sense, selecting the lawyers that not only offer uniform standards of quality but equally stainless ethic and deontology profiles in all of its members.